Adult Classes

Sunday Morning Bible Studies


Dive into a foundational study on the Gospel of Mark. Taught by Eric Hernandez and Jake Delap for all adults.

Meets 11:00am – 12:00pm in room 209

For more info email Meredith Delap, or Jake Delap.

Grace Notes

Lesson relates to the sermon and music in Sunday worship. Wrap up by singing a familiar hymn.

Meets 9:30am – 10:15am in the Conference Room.

For more info email Ken Anderson.

Zoom Meeting Link

This Zoom link is provided to stay in touch with our homebound classmates.

Kindred Spirits

What have you always wanted to know about life and faith? Join in lively discussions each week. Open to all adults.

Meets 9:30 – 10:30am in the Chapel.

For more info email Michelle Reinhardt or Carl Reinhardt.

Conversation Class

Enjoy our series on "difficult questions others may ask about our faith". Delve into questions like "Who is God?" "Where did he come from?" and "Where is he now?" Learn how the Holy Spirit helps us answer these. All are welcome.

Meets 9:30 - 10:30am in the Parlor.

Zoom link is provided to stay in touch with our long-distance classmates.

For more info email Terry Kett.
Zoom Meeting Link

Present Word

Celebrate the acts of worship and praise that rejoice in who God is and what God has done for his people. Dub Crook teaches with historical, archeological, and theological interest. Open to all adults.

Meets 9:30 - 10:30am.

Zoom link is provided to stay in touch with our long-distance classemate.
For more info email Dub Crook.
Zoom Meeting Link

Sunday Classes

Disciples of Jesus Christ make disciples who follow our Savior and make more disciples. To equip us for this, we join together in community and in relationships to become biblically literate, spiritually formed, gospel fluent, and mission focused. As we grow closer to God, his Spirit empowers us to share with others how we may be more like Jesus in our daily lives.

Present Word (Meets by Zoom)

Celebrate the acts of worship and praise that rejoice in who God is and what God has done for his people. This current study focuses on how God's law is love. Dub Crook teaches with historical, archeological, and theological interest. Open to all adults.


9:30 am - 10:30 am (8:30 am - 9:15 am on Communion Together Sundays)


For more info email:

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 826 8041 1987 | Zoom Passcode: 555555

Conversation Class

Enjoy our series on "difficult questions others may ask about our faith". Delve into questions like "Who is God?" "Where did he come from?" and "Where is he now?" Learn how the Holy Spirit helps us answer these. All are welcome.





For more info email:

Zoom Link

Zoom link is provided to stay in touch with our long-distance classmates. Meeting ID: 857 3265 6400 | Zoom Passcode: 729825

Kindred Spirits

New and long-time believers alike will find this class a safe and interesting place for addressing the challenges of life. Approach God’s Word with curiosity and interest to discover the meaning behind doctrines and simultaneously focus on contemporary issues. Join in lively discussions each week. Facilitated by class members. Open to all adults.




Chapel (Parlor on Communion Together Sundays)

For more info email:

Grace Notes

Embark on lessons relating to each week’s sermon and music that will be delivered in Sunday worship following the class time. Learn the biblical connections to hymns and anthems. See the work of the Holy Spirit in worship preparation. Taught by Ken and Janet Anderson, chancel choir members. Open to all adults, lets out early for chancel choir preparation.




Conference Room

For more info email:

Zoom Link

This Zoom link is provided to stay in touch with our homebound classmates. Meeting ID: 811 3275 7643 | Zoom Passcode: 297369


Dive into a deep, meaningful, and foundational study on a book of the Bible. Practice a careful and sustained look at passages and discuss application in our lives. Examine what God is doing and what his work means for our daily living. Facilitated by Brian Stickler, Jake Delap, and Eric Hernandez. Appeals to parents, and open to all adults.


11:00 am -noon


Room 209/212

For more info email:

Midweek Classes


Women in the Word

Join Rev. Sabrina Hergert as women connect with one another in community and in God's Word. Read and work through Bible texts to become more biblically literate, gospel fluent, and spiritually formed. See how we live in Christ, love our neighbors, and grow in the Holy Spirit. Be a disciple who makes disciples and grab a friend or neighbor to participate. Childcare is available, click the button below to reserve a spot.


11:00 am - noon

For more info email:

Reserve a spot in the nursery!

Hannah Circle

Meet monthly with women to study a text together. Share prayer concerns and praises. Focus on a mission project each year. Open to all women.


3rd Monday of every month

11:00am - noon

For more info email:


Women in the Word - Evening Edition

Join Rev. Sabrina Hergert as women connect with one another in community and in God's Word. Read and work through Bible texts to become more biblically literate, gospel fluent, and spiritually formed. See how we live in Christ, love our neighbors, and grow in the Holy Spirit. Be a disciple who makes disciples and grab a friend or neighbor to participate. Zoom Passcode: 555555



7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

For more info email:

Zoom Link

Dawn Patrol

Join us at dawn for a discussion-based expository study in books of the Bible. Open to all adults. Meets in person and online via Zoom.


7:00 am - 8:00 am

For more info email:

Zoom Link

Zoom Passcode: 555555

Messages for Moms

RESUMES AUGUST 20! Our study will be based on the book: The Book of Ephesians is our fall study. We would love for you to join us. Hope to see all moms of younger children! Childcare offered by reservation. Questions? Contact Mary Lee Irwin for more information and to order the book: at


9:15 - 10:30am

For more info email:


The Late Night BS

Join fellow covenant partners on Zoom as they gather in discussion through a book of the Bible, passages for future sermons, or whatever biblical material is of interest to the group. This is a safe place for questions to be asked and interesting conversation to take place. Everyone is welcome.


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

For more info email:

Zoom Link


We're reading Connecting With God: Insights into the Lord's Prayer, will have Registration and book pick up on Wednesday, August 28, at 9:30am in the Conference room ($13), followed by a very special introduction presented by Rev. Sabrina Hergert at 10:00am in the Choir Room. This is a dynamic, phrase by phrase study of the model prayer given by Jesus for truly connecting with God. From new perspective on the character and will of God to how to approach him openly with our everyday needs and struggles, this study is an overview of the most important principles of the Christian life. The regular lesson schedule starts September 11: 9:30 Fellowship & coffee – JCB 10:00 – 11:00 Small group study in areas assigned to group: Conference Room or Parlor. Join us for Small Group Bible Study, Fellowship, Life Application, Mission Adventures. Questions/information: Ginny Crook 281-389-9626,


9:30 am - 11:30 am

For more info email:

reserve a spot in the Nursery!


Square 1 (Thursday)

Enjoy an in-depth, weekly Bible study for teens and adults. We will have a 6-week study on the book of Jonah. He's an incredibly effective preacher who hopes no one listens to him. Find out why! Meet in-person in the mornings or in the evenings. Taught by Rev. Chad Erb, David Epstein, Margie Freeman, and Karen Richardson Gee.


Starts on July 25

9:30 am - 11:00 am or 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

For more info email:

reserve a spot in the nursery!

Marytha Circle

Gather once a month with women to study a text together. Share prayer concerns and praises. Focus on a mission project each year. Open to all women.


3rd Thursday of every month

10:00 am - 11:30 am

For more info email:

Retired Men’s Bible Study

Join Rev. Chad Erb as he leads a discussion through a book of the Bible. Conversation is always lively. Open to all men in retirement.


10:30 am - 11:30 am

For more info email:


No Classes.


Sisters In Christ

Participate in a book study or video series to grow in our life lessons and relationships with other women. Learn from the wisdom of each other’s life experiences with the Lord. Currently studying "Lessons from the Psalms" by Max Lucado. Open to all women. Childcare is available, click the button below to reserve a spot.


9:30 am - 10:30 am

For more info email:

Reserve a spot in the nursery!

Men’s Life

Join in fellowship with other men to study and share how we can lead godly lives whether at work, at home, and among family, friends, or strangers. Awaken the spiritual desire to focus more on showing love for our God and our neighbor. All men are welcome.


Starts September 21

7:00 am - 8:00am

For more info email: